Using a Chromecast with an Analog TV

Using a Chromecast is an excellent, simple and convenient way to watch Netflix, YouTube or even cast your local media to a TV. But what if you only have a spare analog TV lying around? Using a HDMI to Composite converter you can bring that TV back to life for under $25!

While this particular model works, you should be warned that this might not work with every converter you find on eBay or Amazon. Each converter might have different chips or methods of doing the conversion. It’s a bit of a trap if you don’t know what to look for.

The reason it varies widely between converters is because HDMI has an implemented anti-piracy protocol called HDCP - High-bandwidth Digital Content Protection. If your converter isn’t HDCP compliant, then it won’t work or cause viewing issues. So make sure the one you buy is compliant in the description.

Here we’ll talk about the one I have and it seems to be the most popular on eBay and Amazon.

Take A Look At The Guts!

HDMI Converter Board

I’ve opened up my converter and inspected the chip and method it uses. It’s using an EP94Z1E Microcontroller which is HDCP 1.4 compliant. We can now be reasonably sure that this model will work even with other devices you might have. Xbox 360 or PS4 or a bluray player. But I do caution anything isn’t 100% with these types of gadgets. Standards could change in the future or at any time and the manufactures for these could change chips.

Parts You Need:

Make sure you’re buying one that looks similar AND/OR has that it is HDCP compliant in the description. Avoid the traps!

Model to look for:

Usually titled: HDMI to RCA Composite Adapter Converter on eBay or Amazon.

Looks like this:

HDMI Converter

See also